The Archive of Lost History

UCB Committee

The Project
Pt. Isabel
Casting Ground
Tepco History
UCB Committee
A&A Studios

Anthony R. Vizzari

Dept. of Architecture

M. Arch. Option 3

Thesis Committee

2004 – 2005


1st Chair: Jill Stoner

Dept. of Architecture


2nd Chair: Mark Anderson

Dept. of Architecture


3rd Chair: Richard Hutson

English Dept. & American Studies


Other Contributors:


Stephen Tobriner

Dept. of Architecture


Greig Crysler

Dept. of Architecture

UC Berkeley Masters of Architecture, Design Thesis 2005. Anthony R.Vizzari.
Unless otherwise noted, all images and material within these sites are the copyright of A&A Studios, Inc. & Anthony R. Vizzari, and may not be copied, reproduced, or linked without the express written permission of A&A Studios Inc, or their clients and counterparts. For copyright information, email